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We are no healthier than we were a decade ago in terms of immune system performance. It’s just getting worse, and it’s getting asymptotically worse everywhere. As a result, this is an exponential degradation rather than a linear worsening. Our current medical system purports to be concerned about our health. However, we are growing sicker as a culture by the year. The total mortality rate is steadily increasing.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, around two million Americans die each year due to heart disease, cancer, respiratory disorders, Alzheimer’s disease, and diabetes. We’ll discuss how your immune system and white blood cells aren’t protecting you from both external and internal threats but instead are working against you. By the end of this article, you will have a whole different outlook on your health and physical functions, including immunity.

Autoimmunity definition

The immune system is a complex system that is responsible for protecting us from foreign pathogens. The immune system’s role in disease is to identify and eliminate these harmful agents through the use of attack cells called phagocytes. However, the immune system might make mistakes and target the body’s own tissues or organs. This is known as autoimmunity. Type 1 diabetes is an example of an autoimmune disease in which the immune system damages the cells in the pancreas that create insulin.

important aspects of Autoimmune disorders

– Emotional health

Chronic stress may be highly damaging to the body and may even play a part in autoimmune. Continuous stress may drain the body of crucial nutrients and strain both the neurological and digestive systems. It can also weaken the immune system over time, causing regulatory problems.

Recent research looked at over 100,000 people who had been diagnosed with stress-related diseases. It was discovered that those who had a stress-related issue were more likely to have an autoimmune disease and were also at a higher risk of getting several autoimmune disorders.

We all know that mental wellness is essential for physical health. This means that if our brain isn’t functioning optimally, it can affect other parts of our body’s functionality. It’s time to start thinking about how we’re going to take care of ourselves, not just physically but emotionally as well!

– Allergies

The immune system is a sophisticated mechanism that defends us against foreign pathogens. The immune system’s purpose in disease is to recognize and destroy these harmful toxins using assault cells known as phagocytes. Trauma, infections, genetic predispositions, nutrition/lifestyle choices, and mental health concerns can all weaken a person’s immune system.

The presence of a microbe or antigen in the body might stimulate an immune response, resulting in allergic rhinitis or food allergies. Meals, bacteria, and antigens have remained unchanged for the past 30 years. Our bodies have become more sensitive to the very things that we grew up eating and breathing. Genes are responsible for this change; they make us more susceptible to certain things, like pollen or dust mites, causing us to react differently than we did before we were born. As a result, our immune systems don’t work as well anymore. The only ones who have changed are us.

– technology


The rise of social media has been a double-edged sword for our mental health. On one hand, it’s allowed us to connect with like-minded individuals and find support in times of need. On the other hand, because we’re all online, it’s caused us to internalize more and feel more isolated. Mental health issues like depression and anxiety are becoming more common as a result of these pressures, and in turn, our ability to cope is getting strained. This can lead to feelings of frustration, anger, and depression.

What exactly is going on? We’ve created a lot of expectations for ourselves thanks to social media expectations that don’t always align with reality. We’re also compelled by advertising to achieve things faster than ever before and consume things that aren’t good for us or at least not necessarily good for us. Our workdays are getting longer because we have time pressure from commuting which is itself stressful.


At first glance, it appears to be a minor detail: the soil is becoming thinner! But the fact is that it’s not only about the land; it’s also about ourselves. We’re eating less food overall, and we’re eating less of the nutritious foods that were once abundant in our diets. We’ve become less healthy as a species because of this.

Nutritional depletion in our soil isn’t just a problem for farmers; it’s a problem for us as a whole. This is due to the fact that we have been utilizing our land for a long time to produce food that is no longer as nutritious or healthful as it once was. The biggest reason is fertilizer; we’ve been putting tons of chemicals into the soil that have been shown to harm the land’s health. And now we’re paying the price: many critical vitamins and minerals are disappearing from our food and water supplies.

Even healthy crops like spinach, celery, and kale have been deprived of the nutrients that they once had. This is why you should be concerned about what is happening to your food if you eat organically or locally grown crops: they are subjected to much more intensive farming than non-organic counterparts and therefore receive less nutrition from the soil which means your food is subjected to more intensive processing as well.

– toxins in the environment

The world is changing at a rapid pace, and as a result, so are the chemicals to which our bodies are exposed. This can result in a variety of illnesses, such as allergies and asthma, which can be difficult to treat. Furthermore, new substances are generated on a regular basis. This implies that the environment is continually polluted with toxins that our bodies are unable to handle. Toxins accumulate not just on Earth but also in our bodies as we age.

– Ways of living

Our modern way of living is frequently associated with poor health. We are now more sedentary than ever before. The explanation is simple: we spend more time in front of computers and screens, making it less likely that we will walk outside and move around. People used to do things that were difficult and walk around in order to stay healthy. When you look at your body, you’ll realize that it doesn’t appear like it used to.

Diabetes, heart disease, and cancer are all caused by lifestyle choices such as poor diet and lack of exercise. People who lead a healthy lifestyle are less likely to get these diseases than those who do not. We also don’t get enough exercise, and when we do, most individuals don’t do it frequently or correctly. This might result in injuries and various types of suffering, making it more challenging to maintain a healthy life.

TruWholeness is all about informing you about health-related issues and improving your quality of life. The symptoms and illnesses we encounter on a regular basis demonstrate reality. However, there is still hope. We have the capacity to change things and fix what has been destroyed. You have the ability to live a more fulfilling, happier, and healthier life. To avoid autoimmunity, we can be consistently active by exercising regularly, limiting our time spent on modern gadgets, and reconnecting more with nature. In addition, eating healthy and nutritious foods like vegetables and fruits and limiting our intake of processed foods and sugar-refined carbohydrates like white bread. We also need to avoid being exposed to chemicals and other environmental toxins.

None of the information on this website should be regarded as medical advice. Do not change your way of life without first consulting your doctor.

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